When a user logs in to a device, application, or service, one of the major functions of an identity platform is to verify or authenticate credentials.

Security baselines in Intune for Windows Paid Members Public
I have taken a look at Windows security baselines with Intune.

My name is Windows. Can I get into the club? Paid Members Public
Do you want to know how enrollment works with Windows in Azure and Intune? Then I made a new blog explaining high level about what happens in the “backend”💻🧑🦰

Less Passwords is better Paid Members Public
🔑Passwordless should be on your roadmap since this will force your organization to start improving authentication for any legacy application, which will benefit your users and security posture.

MitID compared to Microsoft Passwordless sign-in. Paid Members Public
🏆Now is the perfect time to put Passwordless sign-in on the agenda in your organization! Especially Danish companies using Microsoft Ecosystem.