
Devices are things or systems with a specified function, such as mobile phones and other electronic communication devices.

My name is Windows. Can I get into the club? Members Public

Do you want to know how enrollment works with Windows in Azure and Intune? Then I made a new blog explaining high level about what happens in the “backend”💻🧑‍🦰


What is Android (AOSP) with Intune? Members Public

My new blog post is just for you if you want some knowledge about Android (AOSP) with Intune. Enjoy!


What is Zero-touch deployment with Intune? Members Public

Let me help you understand what Zero-Touch deployment with Intune is and how it can help your organization.


Shared Windows and M365 Apps Members Public

Do you want to know more about shared devices with Windows and M365 Apps? Then I wrote a blog about what scenario it could cover, which licenses you should have, and how to implement it with Endpoint Manager Intune.


Optimize IT admin resources with Windows Autopatch Members Public

Do you want to know more about Autopatch and need a high-level understanding? Then I would say my blog is just for you 🤖


Intune device licensing with Android Members Public

What about Intune device licensing and Android? I wrote a short article about what it is and how you can use it with a specific scenario


identify old policies or hardware issues Members Public

🤢My computer is slow😢 Identifying legacy hardware or old-school group policies is becoming easier with Endpoint Analytics and is included with your Intune license at no extra cost.
